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theClassified - Pay As You Go
How it works

Pay As You Go advertising is a quick and easy way to list an item, product or service. List what you want, for how long you want, and only pay for what you advertise. You list what you want, for how long you want, and only pay for what you advertise. We charge for some listings in order to provide our community with top-quality customer service and support.

Our advertising rates are extremely competitive, there are no hidden costs with theClassified - we tell you how much your ad will cost before you list it, and if you're selling an item, we don't take a cut of your final selling price. What's more, many ads are completely FREE to list!

Simply register for free and see how easy it is to advertise.

View details of our pricing on the PAYG pricing page.

Feature packed
  • Ideal for one-off adverts, making it easy to advertise your product, service or event
  • Upload photos and videos to enhance you listings
  • Share your adverts via social media
  • Take safe and secure online payment via your PayPal Account
  • Receive direct messages from potential buyers straight to your email inbox
Where to start?
  • Register with theClassified for FREE!
  • Set up your listing, including detailed description and images
  • Pay for your listing – use Paypal for easy and secure payment.
  • Your listing appear on theClassified- your Local Online Marketplace
  • Promote your listing by sharing it on your social media!

For more detailed guidance download our PDF Uploading Your Listings or visit our Quick Start Guide

Remember, if you are looking to place numerous adverts, you could save money and have your own personalised Storefront on theClassified with our Annual Subscriptions.

* Please note: All prices are exclusive of VAT. In order to prevent abuse, all 'unlimited' advertising is subject to fair use policy. Terms and Conditions apply
